The Very Secret Diaries of a British Guard

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Day 8

Am in top secret air facility. Felt that effect ruined by big stonkin' sign saying "TOP SECRET AIR FACILITY'.

Pointed this out to the leftenant who was guiding us in. He winked and said, 'It's a grand deception what, they will think that this is a dee-vers-eon, because what sort of daft fool would actually post THAT up."

Then pointed out the italics beneath the Top Secret Air Facility bit, which said (really, we mean it!) and Off to I--- we go!

He became all moody and sulky then.

Learned that target is not top secret. In fact, has not been top secret for an year now. Was called daft bugger by mates, am v. pissy. Thought we going to do all special forces. Camo paint now useless. Double v. pissy.